Ellie Middleton — ADHD And Autism Advocate

 — By Acceptance, I Mean Accepting *Unmasked* Autistic Behaviors

This is World Autism Acceptance Week and next month is Autism Acceptance Month. We should not just celebrate it for the sake of celebrating but we should make sure we make a difference in someone's life. Autism awareness is the need of the hour and here we have a leader who is committed to this mission.

Who is Ellie Middleton?

Ellie Middleton?

Meet Ellie Middleton, Head of Community at Neuropool which connects talent pools of neurodiverse individuals to diverse employers through career development, skill matching and working with academic institutions. Its mission is to support 1000 Neurodiverse people into employment over the next 5 years through training, mentoring and matching the employment needs of corporate partners.

Ellie is also a brand manager at Great Influence where she is working with leading business creators to build strong personal brands.

Ellie was assessed with ADHD and also with Autism. She has been sharing her experiences as what it’s like to live with ADHD & Autism. Her activism is not just about World Autism Acceptance Week and Autism Acceptance Month. She is doing that throughout the year and is educating people about ADHD and Autism. 

"💭 Autism can be a lack of eye contact.
✅ But it can also be noticing patterns nobody else had seen.

💭 ADHD can be chaotic.
✅ But it can also be hyperfocus and getting twice as much done as everybody else.

💭 Dyslexia can be spelling mistakes.
✅ But it can also be concepts, ideas and a viewpoint you hadn’t previously considered.

💭 Differences can be seen as “weaknesses”.
✅ But if you look further, there’s some amazing hidden strengths!!! 🥰"

employHER is so proud of you. Thank you for shouting it out loud - I’m autistic, have ADHD. Also, we applaud the work you have been doing to educate us. 


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