Nicky Collins — Being Diagnosed Is Privilege

 Being autistic makes you different. Whether in a positive or a negative manner, this will completely depend on you. Whether you actually want to prove some people right that it is a disability or you are going to bring the positive side to the forefront. Yes, AUTISM is not a disability, it's a different ability.

You'll learn more about the privilege of being an autistic person when you'll start educating yourself about the same. There are lakhs of people who are autistic or are autism advocates. Here we have a leader who is spreading the word about it.

Who Is Nicky Collins?

Who is Nicky Collins

Meet Nicky Collins She/Her, The Autism Coach at Neurodevelopment,  help autistic people to come to terms with their ASC diagnosis, to love it and to live with it. She is becoming the support that she needed when she was diagnosed with Autism. 

Nicky is a champion for autistic women and girls and is working to make sure that autistic girls can be proud of who they are. Every autistic girl deserves validation, respect and self-confidence. She is ​I help autistic women and girls love and accept themselves for who they are, period!

She was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD at the age of 34. After that diagnosis, she started understanding herself more and also realizing why she did some of the things she did. She realized that her differences were perfectly normal to my brain type.

She is always there to help autistic people through two programmes — Unleash Your Autistic Superpowers and I Think I'm Autistic - Now What?

employHER applauds your efforts for helping people know themselves, realize their superpowers and be proud of them.


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